Corporate Social Responsiblity
Health and Safety
It is the policy of Frencon Construction to comply with all the current relevant Health and Safety legislation. Frencon provides information, training and supervision to it’s direct and sub-contract workforce. Frencon also consults with the workforce to ensure that they understand their specific duties under the legislation.
Senior Management actively promotes a culture of ‘zero tolerance’ towards work-place incidents through encouraging staff training, workshops and continuous assessment. Frencon aims to be a leader in promoting health and safety initiatives by attending seminars and learning from the experience of others.
The company aims to continually improve its health, safety and welfare practices, in line with changing legislation and industry best practice. The H&S Policy and supporting documentation are updated periodically to incorporate the changes.
Frencon fulfils the Principal Contractor role and liaises with the CDM Coordinator and Design team. The company ensures that any H&S risks are identified at project commencement stage and control measures implemented to prevent occurrence.
Quality Assurance
Frencon is committed to the delivery of a quality service. We aspire to the “right first time” principle, which is attained through the development and continuous improvement of our organisation, methods, systems and performance. Frencon is currently working towards attaining a Quality Management System (QMS), which will be compliant with ISO 9001:2008. The key elements of which are:
• Quality policy & objectives.
• Quality manual including process and procedures
• Internal audit and management review.
• Continuous improvement.
Frencon greatly values customer and stakeholder feedback during and post-construction process. Through 360 degree evaluation of its systems and by constantly ‘challenging the norm’ Frencon endeavours to exceed Client and Stakeholder expectations. It strives not only to deliver it’s projects, safely, on-time, to specification and within budget but also to leave an enduring, everlasting legacy in the community.
Quality Objectives
- Maintain a trained, professional management structure and ensure i’s team has the appropriate experience and skill-sets.
- Deliver projects that are fit for purpose, meet regulatory requirements and (where possible) exceed Customer requirements.
- Continuously provide an excellent service and gain repeat custom or business.
- Gain an industry-wide reputation for reliability, trustworthiness and dependability.
- Evaluate its performance, through compilation of data, analysis and comparison of Key Performance Indicators.
- Evaluate and review its supply chain’s performance.
- Examine build systems, techniques and ‘early adopt’ new technologies where applicable.
Environmental / Sustainability
Frencon is cognisant of the impact of construction operations on the Environment. It is committed to attaining an ISO accredited, EHS Management system that will describe the procedures to be followed to attain greater sustainability, reduced waste and minimise environmental impact. Frencon strives towards improved sustainability on all projects by quantifying and analysing KPIs enabling it to reduce landfill waste and site carbon footprint.
Environmental objectives:
- Develop a strategy at pre-construction stage through collaboration with Client, Design team and stakeholders to: minimise waste and emissions; reduce site carbon footprint and energy usage.
- Reduce quantity of waste generated on construction sites by maximising the reuse and recycle of waste materials.
- Utilise control and monitoring systems (KPIs) in order to assess and continuously improve it’s waste management performance.
- Appoint supply chain who can demonstrate: an effective waste management system; reduction in site and off-site waste volumes and lower carbon emissions.
- Appoint independent experts to advise and assess it’s performance against industry norms.
Frencon is committed to achieving a minimum rating requirement of BREEAM ‘good’ on all its UK construction projects. Its Senior Contracts Management is currently receiving training in this field to ensure it can attest to the environmental credentials of its finished buildings and remain at the forefront of industry environmental performance.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Frencon engages in a broad range of construction operations across the UK. It strongly advocates sound, ethical business standards in all its dealings with Clients, stakeholders and third parties. It encourages positive interaction and a consistent approach with the communities in which it works.
Frencon realises that the prosperity of its business is dependent on its long-term commitment to its statutory obligations in terms of current health and safety, environmental, employment and good corporate governance legislation. To this end Frencon will:
- Promote good employment conditions and practices. All employees are treated with respect, trust and integrity.
- Educate and train its staff and workforce in current EHS systems.
- Add value to its projects by creating a positive legacy within the community
- Actively engage with groups, communities and individuals affected by it’s construction activities to minimise disruption to its environs.